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What is Ubersuggest? How to Get Started New Guide

Ubersuggest is one of my favorite and most popular SEO and Content Marketing tools. among marketers and SEO professionals.

If you are looking to you gain an edge with your strategy  It helps by offering you one of the largest keywords databases ever available. You can get hundreds of millions of content ideas, while also allowing you to understand your competitors’ SEO strategy and which can help you to fix errors on your website that might be hampering your efforts.

Let's view in detail Hereabouts are some of the tools that Ubersuggest offers currently:

  • Projects Dashboard allows you to keep track of your website’s rankings in Google for specific locations all over the globe. Within the dashboard you can track your competitors to keep tabs on their most popular keywords, pages and where they are getting links.

    It also helps you assess your site’s SEO health and your backlinks – while also connecting directly to your Google Search Console to give you accurate data on your search traffic.
  • Keyword Overview report gives you a detailed analysis of any given keyword you may want to analyze.

    This report will break down how much search volume keywords get for mobile and desktop devices over each time period of the year, and will even give you demographic information like the searcher’s age range.
  • By clicking the Keyword Ideas report you gain access to one of the most comprehensive solutions for keyword research.

    It will help you find variations that people use to find keywords related to your search query, and tell you about questions people ask about that keyword, comparisons they search for, and phrases that use prepositions.
  • If you’re looking for Content Ideas to write about, we have a specific report to show you content pieces that have performed extremely well on social media.

    It will show you how many times it’s been shared on Facebook and Pinterest, and even give you an idea of keywords those pages rank for on Google and backlinks they acquired.
  • The Traffic Analyzer report gives you detailed intelligence on your competitors by showing how much their traffic has developed over time, whether it’s gone up or down.

    It will give you a breakdown of positions they’re ranking for on Google, the pages that are driving the most traffic per country and the keywords that have been the key drivers of search traffic for them.
  • If you want to know the pages that drive the most traffic to your competitor’s sites, the Top Pages report will give you a detailed overview for each country of pages that generate the most traffic on Google for any given website.

    It will even break down the estimated number of visits each of those pages get from Google, the keywords they’re ranking for, how much traffic these keywords generate, and the backlinks each page gets.
  • You’ll also be able to do a deep dive into the most important keywords your competitor’s rank for using the Top Keywords report.

    This report will show you the estimated number of visitors each keyword generates for your competitors and help you analyze Google’s search results for each of these keywords.
  • Similar Websites – Find out which top competitors compete for your keywords
  • Site Audit gives you the ability to run a deep on-page SEO analysis on your entire domain.

    It will visit each page of your website and search for errors and issues you need to fix in order to get better results on Google.

    Among the different factors it will analyze, you’ll get an On-page SEO score that gives you an idea of the overall performance your website has in terms of page speed and errors you need to fix.

    You’ll even get a list with errors you need to fix ordered by the SEO Impact each of these fixes will have and how hard it is to fix them.
  • Backlinks report gives you a detailed analysis of how many backlinks your competitors have and also a list of the backlinks they’re getting.

    It helps you understand the types of backlinks you need to build in order to attain the results your competitors are getting and structure your link building efforts in the most effective way possible.

    You can also filter the backlinks you want to see based on criteria like anchor text, referring domains and zone.


Ubersuggest also offers many depth training to provide you everything you need to develop a robust Search Engine Marketing strategy.

There are hours of videos, ebooks, guides, templates, and more informative content to help you grow your website traffic.

Do you have any burning marketing questions? Or do you just need help?

Make sure you attend their bi-weekly Ubersuggest Group Coaching calls where we cover the latest in SEO and advanced marketing techniques.

For a more in depth guidance on how to use Ubersuggest check out this post from Neil ðŸ™‚ https://neilpatel.com/blog/ubersuggest-guide/

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