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7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid before post on the blog

7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid before post on the blog
7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid before post on the blog

7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid before post on your Niche blog or website

I really wanted to understand what proportion I can possibly earn from writing on the blog post. But didn't find anyone online who willing to publish their details publicly. Sometimes I felt intimidated by the "matured" bloggers because I used to be a newbie nowhere near their success.

1.  Not doing keyword research

2.  Inconsistency Blogging  

3.  Not Doing Regular Updates

4.  Poor Quality Title Content

5.  Not abiding by blog pages Rules

6.  Not Managing your Expectations

7.  Not Making Your Blog post Colorful

Not doing keyword research: the sole way people find your online content is thru keyword research in Google or one among the search engines. you'll only make money when people read your articles (and buy if you're promoting a product). Build content around what people are already checking out.

Inconsistency: Kills the potential to extend your income. Don't repeat my mistake. I have been off Blogging for years due to my job for fulfill responsibility towards my family! Write consistently.

Not Doing Regular Updates: Update content and edit inferiority blog consistent with Google guidelines so your blog remains 'evergreen'. Take blogger as your colorful garden. Maintain it regular basis and it'll yield much fruit which you have not assumed.

Poor Quality Title Content: People click past poor information and Google won't have an interest in you. Creative information-rich title content adds value and can bring you more visitors as readers share your articles. You must avoid writing for Google by keyword-stuffing your articles or performing some trickery article-spinning stunts. It'll starve you of cash. Write for a person's being.

Not abiding by blog pages Rules: engage with the Social community and abide by site rules.

Not Managing your Expectations: don't expect to earn many dollars overnight It's not got a quick-rich scheme from writing a couple of articles. Also, money shouldn't be your primary motivation for writing on your niche blog. Always add more content and value, share accurate information, and therefore the money will come.

Not Making Your Blog post Colorful: Use beautiful eye-catching pictures in your post to draw in and retain readers. I exploit and recommend you Canva for all free stock photos and styles you'll create.

English isn't Your First Language?

So I am not from native English. I do know the struggle. My earlier blogpost suck! They're bland and outright boring. do not be afraid to write down, nowadays like software Grammarly helps a lot and so keep going. Your first post might not be much attractive. But don't be concerned. The feedback from posts and consistent efforts you set into your writing, will reward you with higher value at some point.

How About Creating Your Own Blog?

Creating your own blog is awesome. But if it is a new blog without much content, you'll have a problem bringing in traffic. the sweetness of writing on Hubpages platform , including the niche sites, is that your article will ride on the recognition of Hubpages and appear higher (Page 1) of Google search results.


I hope this post has been useful 

Although I joined Hubpages 5 years ago to use the platform to write down [for the aim of improving my English writing], I used to be also motivated by the very fact that I made a couple of cents within the process.

I’m just a mean writer, a lazy one! Don't emulate me on being lazy! Nowhere near one among those inspirational, active, and many successful smart bloggers earning hundreds or thousands of dollars per month.

Visit the forum and skim the success stories of other bloggers for inspiration and motivation. See their variety of content writing and the way they found out the use of keywords. How do they use concerning for ranking in google? Copy their style but keep in mind DON’T steals content from their posts, SEO hate Plagiarism content.

I hope new writers and future milliner bloggers find some useful tips. and will avoid the common newbie mistakes I made once I first started writing on my blog. be happy and healthy, comment below to contact me if you would like a hand.


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